Professional regulation

LSO revokes license of lawyer who misappropriated funds from trust to cover expenses, repaying later

LSO revokes license of lawyer who misappropriated funds from trust to cover expenses, repaying later

Admits the biggest mistake she was "not valuing" herself and the services she provided properly

Convocation: benchers approve research funding to underpin renewed equity agenda

Convocation: benchers approve research funding to underpin renewed equity agenda

Restart needed post-COVID and amid rising polarization and technological change: report

Law Society Convocation approves new policy on bencher information requests

Law Society Convocation approves new policy on bencher information requests

Some benchers said policy balanced competing views, others said it was illegal

LSO discloses internal documents sought in bencher Murray Klippenstein’s lawsuit

LSO discloses internal documents sought in bencher Murray Klippenstein’s lawsuit

Bencher sued for documents associated with legal regulator's equity, diversity, and inclusion initiatives

Court reaffirms onus in professional licensing denials related to integrity, honesty concerns

Court reaffirms onus in professional licensing denials related to integrity, honesty concerns

License Appeal Tribunal ruling flipped gatekeeping function 'on its head' said judge

New OBA award recognizing legal-sector mental health initiatives named after Orlando Da Silva

New OBA award recognizing legal-sector mental health initiatives named after Orlando Da Silva

Annual award will go to initiatives improving mental health in the profession