
The tale of Umar Zameer's two trials – the criminal court and the court of public opinion

The tale of Umar Zameer's two trials – the criminal court and the court of public opinion

Nader Hasan, lawyer for man cleared in death of Toronto cop, explains his strategy

Ontario Superior Court acquits defendant in self-defence stabbing case

Ontario Superior Court acquits defendant in self-defence stabbing case

The case stemmed from a confrontation over retrieving a dog

Ontario Superior Court convicts driver for refusing breath sample, acquits of aggravated charges

Ontario Superior Court convicts driver for refusing breath sample, acquits of aggravated charges

Driver knew a demand for a breath sample had been made and intentionally refused to comply

Psychiatrist’s ‘careless’ expert evidence leads to new sentencing for dangerous offender: Ont. CA

Psychiatrist’s ‘careless’ expert evidence leads to new sentencing for dangerous offender: Ont. CA

Judges 'last line of defence' against miscarriages of justice from unreliable expert reports: court

Camera pointed at suspect's home not intrusion on reasonable expectation of privacy: Ont. CA

Camera pointed at suspect's home not intrusion on reasonable expectation of privacy: Ont. CA

Pole cameras represent significant s. 8 issue, says Alan Gold, who plans to appeal to SCC

Court of Appeal overturns convictions finding Crown breached accused’s confidential informant status

Court of Appeal overturns convictions finding Crown breached accused’s confidential informant status

'Rare' case in which convictions are stayed for abuse of process, said court