
Ontario superior court family division judge admonishes estranged spouse for ignoring court orders

Ontario superior court family division judge admonishes estranged spouse for ignoring court orders

Wife had 'misguided view' that obeying orders is optional, but judge gives her a chance to comply

Finalizing divorce should not bar subsequent civil claim for sexual assault: lawyer Kevin McLaren

Finalizing divorce should not bar subsequent civil claim for sexual assault: lawyer Kevin McLaren

Family lawyers dealing with sexual issues should consult with lawyers familiar with civil tort

Ontario Superior Court varies parenting order to ensure child's school attendance

Ontario Superior Court varies parenting order to ensure child's school attendance

The child's mother unilaterally withdrew her from school and began homeschooling her

Ontario Human Rights Commission addresses Indigenous-specific discrimination in healthcare

Ontario Human Rights Commission addresses Indigenous-specific discrimination in healthcare

The OHRC aims to guide healthcare providers to combat discrimination

Ontario Superior Court rules no binding settlement reached in family law case

Ontario Superior Court rules no binding settlement reached in family law case

An indemnity clause involving child support required precise wording to be considered agreed upon

Relocation disputes surge in family law litigation, says Lerners LLP’s Ryan McNeil

Relocation disputes surge in family law litigation, says Lerners LLP’s Ryan McNeil

2021 Divorce Act amendments provided relocation framework